Operation Sandbox

Friday, November 19, 2004

I kinda like Mayor Cell....

Can you believe it? This whole week I've probably spent maybe three hours at the motorpool. That's a big change considering that's mostly just a single morning for me. This week I've had Mayor Cell three times. I had it on Monday, Thursday and Today (Friday). If you're not sure what Mayor Cell is I've written a few bloggers about it in the past that can bring you up to speed on it. For starters, I've really grown to really enjoy having Mayor Cell duty. Most people have no love for this assignment. In fact I've never met another single person who says they like it. But that's ok I'm accustomed to being in a class all of my own. Down at the motorpool, there's not really anything to do. Most of the tasks I do there are simply jobs that are invented to keep me doing something. I can put in a full day, with those busybody tasks and at the end of the day nothing useful's been done. However, at Mayor Cell in contrast, I get all sorts of tasks that got more to them. And the crews of foreigners, locals and Americans that I work with are all great to work with.

Let me explain that we get tasked out to various crews of contractors. And we serve a number of different funtions. First, we serve as (QA) Quality Assurance/Control, we make sure that work is actually being down. Many times we have count the number of trash cans emptied or the number of restrooms cleaned. To make sure that the workers don't just clock in and then go and aimlessly drive around for a few hours. Secondly, we serve as Force Protection, we make sure that these team of locals and foreigners aren't getting involved in any foul play such as stealing, planting bombs or things of that nature. Thirdly our presents serves to legitimize the work of the crew. For example if the vehicle needs fuel they just can't pull up to a feul point and say fill me up. We pull up and I need to request the refill, or they aren't getting one. And Finally, we serve as crew protection. If out crew were to encounter anything hostile in nature. The escorting soldier provides protection for the crew. That's just four items to give you an idea of what our duties as escorts encompasses.

Take Monday for example. I got tasked out with the crew that cleans the Port-O-Johns. There's gotta be hundreds of them in the area. And I had to fill out a sheet with the count of how many they did. I had a great time with that crew. I worked with three locals, I quickly learned their names and we were all fast friends. Although there was a definate language barrier we still found ways to communicate and establish some comraderie. That's true with all the crews I worked with this week. These guys like what they do and have fun doing it and I have fun with them. And we talk about our families many of them are young guys in their early 20's and they have wives and a few have a child or two. I show them pictures of my pretty wife and they share pictures of their families and we all learn a little bit of where the other comes from. Many of them also have very sad recent tragidies too. For examply I worked with a fellow with a masters in electrical engineering, he drives trucks. And within the last month his family has had to cope with the loss of two loved ones. He lost a cousin and a brother, both victums of the the insurgents insanity. It is truly a pleasure to work with these men.

I'm going to request to be put on Mayor Cell everyday. Normally we send someone different everyday. But hey why send someone who doesn't want to be there, when someone's who's motivated is available?

This week I actually put into action my plan to get out on the week nights and start going to things. So I went to a praise session last night at the chapel. And I had a blast. It was the practice session for the praise part of the church service. And I got up there as a vocalist with the praise team. We sang some great songs. There's nothing like a spirit filled praise and worship session. Additonally, one of the chaplains who was there who I'm friends with told me that he met the new SDA chaplain on post. So the rumors are true an SDA chaplain is here. I have yet to bump into him but I'm sure I'll make his acquaintance shortly. I really look forward to joining his ministry team. On tuesday night I went to a bible study that just started it was the first night. And we're covering a Purpose Driven Life (book by Rick Warren). I had started that book in the past but never made it through. The master sgt who's leading out is really a dynamic leader and really inspiring. I look forward to going on this jorney with him through this incredible book. It was just he and I. But that's ok, God's word says where two or more are gathered the Lord is present.


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