Operation Sandbox

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

And If I can't Swim after 40 days.......

Well it's finally here, the rains have started. Actually it's more like the drizzling has started. Except for a few somewhat brief episodes nothing has come down very hard. However, don't let that fool you a few days of steady downpour can soak an area very well. Especially an area with no grass and plants to drink it up. That's right all there is, is God's brown earth to deal with all that water. The 1st Sgts predictions were right, everything is turning to mud soup out there. Every day the mud gets deeper and more slippery. As I'm here typing I have at least an inch of mud caked all around my boots, it's glorious. And the mud is only half the story. There's the constant dampness and dreariness to add to the daily comfort levels.
For a couple of weeks our mechanics were out at other sights working on some of our vehicles for personnel at other locations. But now most of them are back. Since most of them are back the maintainance tent is pretty crowded with people at work, so I'm not really needed in there. Because of the the rain we've halted our work of pulling things out of our storage trailers, so there isn't much for me to do there. The long and the short of it is, is that things have grown really boring at the motorpool. With nothing to do, the time just drags by up there.


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