Operation Sandbox

Thursday, September 23, 2004

It's Already Thursday?

It’s already Thursday, this week is passing quicker than I realized. These last few days have more of the same basically. The area that I’ve been working on improving is looking tremendously better. Before no one wanted to step foot inside the place cause it was so hot, dusty and miserable. Now that I’ve got a lot of the dirt and dust out of there and I’ve got the various piles of junk picked up and organized and got some fans going. It’s not such a bad place. People are hanging out in there more. The tent was originally supposed to be an office area for the supply Sgts. But they didn’t want the place. I don’t blame them. But now it’s a halfway pleasant in there.

Foreigners it seems do all of our support services. Not that I’m complaining cause they do everything from our laundry, to preparing and serving meals to driving busses and staffing the Stores and recreation areas. It just makes it kind of difficult when you want to ask a store employee where to find an item. Or when you want to ask the bus driver about other bus routes and times. Or when you want the volume or channel adjusted on the televisions in the dining facility. It’s just a small aspect of some mild frustrations of the life here. But we really are well taken care of. The first soldiers in this country lived in tents. Their supplies were spotty many times not having adequate essentials such as food, water and even toilet paper. They didn’t have much of any options as far as recreation and life was hard for them. By now enough time has gone by that the Army has some good infrastructure in place to help keep the quality of life good so soldiers can focus on their mission as opposed to being distressed over a lack of food or extreme heat. Despite what you might here in the media, our forces are doing well over here. Raids are conducted often and the bad guys are being taken down and decommissioned.

They tell me that the rainy season is just around the corner. You know what that means. That’s right, all that billows of dust and dirt out there are about to be mixed with a lot of water. And basically as the First Sgt. put it we’ll be walking around in soup. Isn’t that something to look forward to? I wonder how effective snowshoes might be?

I did get that Simm Card, finally. Service coverage is pretty good too. Except I do get disconnect every now and then. If anyone would like the number to call me just send me and email and let me know.

I just got my second vaccination for Anthrax. And boy did it sting. The first one didn’t really sting or bother me much. (True I was distracted by the much more serious small pox vaccination too.) But today I walked over to the medical center and presented myself for the second of three shots. And when he stuck me it wasn’t so bad. It was when we said, “Ok that’s it.” That’s when I really felt it. It was like a really nasty bee sting. My whole arm smarted for about an hour afterward.

I tell ya the thing that’s really when a nuisance around here is all this rock and gravel. My feet are so sore. And I walk almost everywhere, which makes it worse. If I go to the medical center and they prescribe that I need to sit tight more. Than my off time is going to be really dull cause I won’t be happy just sitting in my room staring at my four walls. There are buses that do loops around here but those are only useful about half the time.


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